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- PADIジャパンが設立40周年 PADI Worldwide CEO兼社長ドリュー・リチャードソンさんに単独インタビュー!

PADIジャパンが設立40周年PADI Worldwide CEO兼社長
世界最大級のダイビング教育機関で有名なPADIジャパンは、今年で設立40周年を迎えました。今年1月に日本全国より約250名のインストラクターや業界関係者が集うパーティーも開催。本社アメリカよりPADI Worldwide CEO兼社長のドリュー・リチャードソンさんも来日され、メンバーの皆さんにスピーチも披露されました。

Drew Richardson(ドリュー・リチャードソン)は、PADI WorldwideのCEO兼社長であり、30年以上のダイビング業界での経験を持つ。PADIがグローバルなダイビング教育機関としての地位確立に貢献し、ダイビング業界の発展と環境保護に注力している。2023年、Academy of Underwater Arts & SciencesからNOGI AWARDスポーツ/教育のカテゴリーを受賞。
ドリュー、以下本人)1971年 米国イリノイ州シカゴで初めてダイビングをしました。


本人)今後も是非ともダイビング、アドベンチャー、仲間作り、そして海洋保護・保全活動への参加など、あなたがベストだと思うことを続けてください。 また、もしあなたのダイビングスキルをレベルアップさせる心の準備ができているなら、PADIプロメンバーが喜んでサポートする準備が整っていますのでお気軽にお問い合わせください。

PADI Japan, one of the world’s largest and most famous diving instruction organizations, celebrated its 40th anniversary this year. In January this year, a party was held for about 250 instructors from all over Japan. Drew Richardson, CEO and President of PADI Worldwide from the U.S., also came to Japan and gave a speech to the members. Marine Diving Web editorial department decided to conduct an interview with Mr. Drew Richardson. Mr. Richardson is a wonderful diver who has dived all over the world and has had a wide variety of experiences. We asked him about when he started diving, the future direction of PADI, and his message to Japanese divers. Please take a look!
〈Questions for Drew〉
When did you first start diving?
1971 in Chicago, Illinois USA
What was your first impression of diving?
It was exciting to be immersed and breath underwater, to feel the cool air on inhalation and the soft rumble upon exhalation. It was sensory as the water wrapped around me magical really. I was hooked from my first breath and I feel this way to this day.
What is your most memorable dive spot?
That’s a really hard question to answer because when you love diving, it seems like they’re all memorable. Adventure, exploration, nature, sharing a dive with another life and being human or otherwise!
In my life I have been fortunate to have dived on all continents including both poles, yet still my thirst for more drives me forward. I’ve been privileged to dive some of the world’s most impressive underwater environments, but I have fond memories of dives I made in a farm pond and even a swimming pool! What makes a dive memorable? Something worth seeing and doing, exploring, interactions with natural forces and the life that lives beneath the surface of this planet. It is also knowing you’ve done something special, being with the right people and a sense of companionship.
〈Diving Industry and Divers in Japan〉
Is the diving scene in Japan different from the rest of the world? If so why?
Not so much really, underwater we are all connected and speak the same language as divers. I have had the privilege to have dived in Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa over the years. The beauty of Japan’s people and unique cultural attributes combined with the extraordinary marine life and dive sites make diving in Japan wonderful and a strong draw.
A word following 40 years of PADI in Japan!
Thank you to all of the staff, PADI professionals and divers, past and present, who supported, believed in, and personified PADI in Japan over all these years. The passion, faith, loyalty and motivation of these good people in Japan have set a solid
stage for continued growth and innovation in the decades ahead. Thank you PADI Divers in Japan, you have helped to enrich the diverse diaspora of PADI Divers across the planet.
What is the key to become the top diving training agency?
Discipline, teamwork, quality, consistency, hard-work, belief, positivity, and professionalism. You start by putting diver safety ahead of everything else. We created an instructional systems design approach to training scuba divers that is founded on genuine educational principles and modern instruction. This system places the student at the center of a performance-based and adaptive training system. In the hands of a trained diving professional, we can culturally adapt to effectively train a person in their own culture and language. This high-quality instruction is backed by rigorous safety standards, and offers a wide range of course offerings. It is supported by a robust Quality Management program. PADI have benefited from decades of dedicated members and divers who have supported the growth of PADI and who are passionate about diving and protecting the ocean. We take pride in PADI's reputation as a leader in the industry, and we never forget that it is the network of PADI professionals and the divers they train who stand behind it.
What is PADI looking forward to in 2023?
We are looking forward to continued momentum, positivity and restoration as we leave the impacts of the pandemic behind and execute on our focus on growth, supporting and servicing our retail and professional membership and enabling diver engagement to explore and protect the ocean. We will continue to focus on our Mission and core values as an organization.
A message for divers in Japan
Please continue what you do best- dive, explore, make friends and get involved in constructive action for the Ocean. Also, if you are ready to take your diving to a new level, your PADI Pro is ready to help you get there.
A message for non-divers
Diving is a life-changing experience that you only can find below the surface. There really is nothing like it, and unlike many activities, it has something for almost every age and interest. Please join us in seeking underwater adventure and saving the Ocean as an Ocean Torchbearer!
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